
Executive Protection Dogs
VIPs and VVIPs need a high level of guarding. Hence, level 3 protection dogs are the best option for them. Level 3 dogs are trained to provide the next level of defense and protection to the elite people. Unlike other trained dogs, they detect a threat from far away and react immediately. Can I buy...
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Family protection dogs are like having superheroes at home. These are “no entry” boards for thieves. So, take away these superheroes for the protection of your valuable family and your property as well. Benefits of Availing Family Protection Dogs • Safety & Loyalty: Keep your family safe from threats like home invasions, kidnappings, carjackings, and...
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In today’s insecure world, you may face safety issues. To combat this situation, you have many options like hiring a guard, using some devices like CCTV, or buying a protection dog. You can go with any of these options. But protection dogs are an affordable and a great option. In their presence, you will feel...
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Choosing executive protection dogs involves finding ones with key traits that assure safety and compatibility. Protection dogs must follow their handlers’ commands. Here’s what to look for: Friendly and Approachable A protection dog should be friendly. They must be easy to interact with, especially if you have children. A dog that is social and playful...
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Executive Protection Dogs are required by high-profile individuals for increased security. They are invaluable assets for executives and organizations looking for proactive security solutions because of their capacity to adapt to various circumstances and remain calm under pressure. Hence, these dogs go through specialized training. They are trained to find danger and stay alert in...
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