What You Need to Know About Your Protection Dog’s Dental Health

What You Need to Know About Your Protection Dog’s Dental Health One major thing that dog owners fail to address is the dental health of their furry friends and personal protection dogs. Many are used to heading to the vet for vaccinations and grooming but do not think about getting a dental check-up done. However, in reality, oral hygiene is just as important for your personal protection dog. Sometimes your pet’s dental problems are caused by underlying diseases. Therefore, it is important to keep your canine companions’ hygiene in check because neglecting your dog’s dental health could result in unnecessary hygiene issues that can lead to other major conditions down the line.

Common Dental Problems in Dogs

There are many dental issues that can plague your family protection dogs, but unless you get an oral checkup, it is hard to determine the cause.

Here’s a list of common dental problems that canines can suffer from.

  • Swelling of the mouth
  • Bad breath
  • Discolored teeth
  • Loose or broken teeth
  • Lowered appetite
  • Drooling
  • Abnormal chewing
  • Problems in eating
  • Extra teeth
  • Gum bleeding
  • Pain in the gums or mouth

If you notice any signs of discomfort in your dog, head to the vet for a complete oral exam.

Dental Health for Family Protection Dogs and Pets

Dogs with dental issues are often unable to eat properly and if their mouth hurts, they might refuse to eat altogether. This means that dog owners need to keep a close eye on their pets to ensure that they are healthy.

Most dogs like German Shepherds are highly energetic and love to chew on random objects. The chewing can be quite troubling and can cause damage to their teeth. This why it is encouraged to have a proper dental checkup for your pup at least once every year. Neglecting your dog’s dental health might cause it to suffer from gum or periodontal disease that can be caused by dental issues like tartar, loose teeth, gum bleeding, etc. Also, if you dog has dental problems, the bacteria from the mouth can spread inside the body quite easily and affect other parts of the body, which results in infections.

The Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences clinical professor, Dr. J.R. “Bert” Dodd, also emphasized the importance of dental health in dogs and cats. He said, “Dental issues and bacteria can cause greater health problems including liver and kidney diseases.” In other words, dog’s with good dental health live a longer and healthier life as compared to those with poor dental health.

3 Ways to Take Care of Your Dog’s Dental Health

Let’s take a look at some tips that will keep your dog’s teeth looking and feeling fine.

  1. Brush its Teeth – Start brushing your pet dog’s teeth when it’s just a pup. Set a brushing routine and use of a vet approved brush and toothpaste.
  2. Teeth Cleaning by a Vet –Take your dog to the vet for a teeth cleaning procedure under anesthesia. This procedure should be performed once every year.
  3. Take a Vet’s Advice – Head to your vet and get advice on your pet’s oral health. The vet will prescribe dental-friendly chew toys, diets, and products to keep your pet’s teeth healthy.

Treatments for Serious Dental Issues

If your pet dog is suffering from serious dental issues like bleeding and the loss of teeth, head to your vet for a dental procedure as soon as possible. There are many dental treatments available for dogs including the following:

  • Endodontics
  • Orthodontics
  • Oral surgery
  • Periodontics
  • Restorations

In order to keep your family protection dogs healthy, it is important to take all the necessary measures to keep their health in check as well as their dental health, too.