Fall-Inspired Pumpkin Recipes for your Protection Dog

fall spirit with trained protection dogsWith the beginning of fall, everyone seems to be enjoying pumpkin as part of every dish and sweet. As you enjoy these pumpkin treats, you may notice your four legged pet wagging his tail to show you he’d like a taste of it, too. But is pumpkin safe for dogs?

Health Benefits of Pumpkin for Your Protective Dog

If you are keeping your dog from pumpkins, stop! Pumpkin is now only safe, but it is a wonderful food that carries amazing health benefits for dogs, as well. It’s a great alternative treat to the unhealthy snacks available at the store. Feeding your dog pumpkin treats will not only keep it fulfilled, but will also help resolve all digestive issues and keep its weight under control.

Let’s take a look at some delicious pumpkin treat recipes that you can cook at home for your beloved protection dog companion.

Pumpkin Ice Cream

Mash a little amount of boiled or baked pumpkin with a ripe banana. Add a little peanut butter or unsweetened yogurt into it. Spoon this mixture into an ice cube tray. Once the cubes are frozen, offer it to your dog for a great mid-day snack, or give it to your dog when it is hot outside. If you want your dog to indulge in some exercise, add these cubes into kong and watch it play.

Pumpkin Kong Filler for Trained Dogskong for trained dogs

Kongs are used in k9 training to make dogs work and struggle for their food as they would in a natural habitat. It is a great way to give your protective dog some exercise, rather than offering food on a platter.

Bake or boil some pumpkin and mash it with a small amount of ripe banana. Now add a spoon of plain, unsweetened yogurt, or use peanut butter instead. Add this mixture into a kong and serve it to your dog.

Pumpkin Latte for Dogs

Combine two tablespoons of pumpkin puree with one cup of water. Now add one tablespoon of plain, unsweetened yogurt to the mixture. Mix the ingredients together and add a little cinnamon and serve it to your hungry pet. Avoid using pumpkin spice or pumpkin pie mix in the recipe as they contain nutmeg, which can be harmful to your dog’s health.

Pumpkin Topping

Add pumpkin puree or cooked and mashed pumpkin to a bowl. Combine one tablespoon of plain, unsweetened yogurt, beef or chicken broth, and a tablespoon of brown or white rice. Add a little water and mix together the ingredients. Place this bowl into the fridge and when it is your dog’s mealtime, top this mixture over its food or kibbles for an extra boost of nutrition.

Baked Pumpkinbaked pumpkin treat for family protection dog

Peel and chop a pumpkin into small pieces, then move the pieces to a lightly oiled pan. Place this pan in the oven and bake at 350 degrees for approximately one hour. Once done, transfer the cubes onto a plate and let them cool. Add the cubes into a Ziploc bag and place in the refrigerator. Offer these cubes to your dog as a token of encouragement.


Pumpkin is extremely healthy for dogs and a great alternative to unhealthy commercial snacks that contain preservatives and chemicals. Try these fall recipes for yummy treats that all protection dog breeds will love.