Cane Toad is a poisonous amphibian that is a major contributor of animal deaths, especially in Australia. Canoe Toads are most commonly found in Australia. These toxic Toads were brought to Australia to get rid of sugarcane beetles. Because these toads are poisonous, they caused harm to cats, dogs, and humans as well. The giant Cane Toad releases poisonous substance from its poison glands that are located behind its eyes. So, whenever the toad senses danger, it excretes a white toxin. The different pores on its skin also release this toxin. Sometimes the toad can spatter this liquid for up to two meters.
How does a Dog get Poisoned by a Cane Toad
Unless a dog or any other animal has a close encounter with this poisonous amphibian, there is no chance that you can get affected by the poison. Dogs can be poisoned by the toad’s toxins if it tries to touch it or mouth it. Because these toads have the capability to squirt the poison to long distances, a dog may simply get the toxin in its eyes. This means that dogs should maintain a safe distance with these poisonous creatures.
Cant Toads are not just life threatening for dogs and animals but they are extremely dangerous for humans as well. There have been many instances where people tried to handle these toads and got its poison on their skin or in their wounds. Cane Toads have taken many lives. Therefore, it is important to
keep your pet friends protected from them.
Due to the slimy nature of Cane Toad’s toxins, it gets absorbed in the skin fairly quickly. Once it is absorbed, it starts to wreak havoc on the dog. If the dog gets poisoned in its mouth, the membranes on its tongue and gums absorb the poison.
Signs that tell you that your Dog has been Poisoned by a Cane Toad
Purposely bringing Cane Toads into Australia wasn’t a good idea as it caused death in Australian and Fox Terriers. These toads were used as pest controllers but proved to be extremely dangerous for other animals and humans.
If your dog comes in contact with a Cane Toad, it will show some definitive signs of poisoning. Let’s take a look at them below.
• The first thing that will tell you that your dog has been poisoned is excess salivation. The dog that gets poison in its mouth begins to salivate excessively. Because the toad’s venom is extremely acerbic, it creates thick white foam in the dog’s mouth.
• If your dog is continuously pawing its mouth, it is probably because it has mouthed a Cane Toad. However, the sign is clearer if the dog is releasing thick and foamy saliva. Animals that bite Cane Toads usually paw their mouths due to excruciating pain and irritation caused by the toxins.
• Another prominent sign of Cane Toad poisoning is the redness in gums. If you want to confirm whether the dog has been poisoned or not, you need to check its mouth and gums. If the gums look inflamed or red, then there is a high chance that it has been attacked by a Cane Toad.
• A dog that has been poisoned by a Cane Toad will suffer from seizures. However, this condition occurs when the dog is left untreated for a long time. These seizures can be life threatening for the dog. Therefore, it is best to call the vet as soon as you see other symptoms in the dog like excess salivation, red gums, and vomiting.
• Cane Toad poisoning is dangerous for almost anyone. Vomiting is also a sign of Cane Toad poisoning. However, this symptom is more commonly observed in cats. Cats that are poisoned by these venomous toads often show hind-quarter weakness. Constant staring also occurs in cats with venom in their system.
• A dog that has been poisoned by a Cane Toad might have a very rapid heart rate. When this heart rate goes out of control, it causes the heart to shutdown.
In order to get onto the most effective action plan, you need to learn the symptoms of Cane Toad poisoning. This venomous amphibian can cause death. Therefore, it is important to keep these symptoms in mind. If you observe these signs in your dog, call your vet immediately and ask for a solution.
The Cure for Cane Toad Poisoning
Cane Toad poisoning is dangerous but can be controlled if appropriate action is taken immediately after confirming the symptoms. Once you have learnt that your dog has been poisoned by a Cane Toad, it is important to get rid of any venom on your dog’s skin or inside its mouth. Because the toxin is equally dangerous for humans, you need to wear gloves for your own safety and protection.
If your dog has poison in its mouth, it is best to use water to remove it. You can take a water hose and wash the dog’s mouth by preventing the water from going into its throat. You can also use a wet cloth piece to clean the dog’s gums, teeth, and tongue.
To ensure that the toxins do not remain in the dog’s mouth, you can make use of piece of cloth or a soft rag with dog toothpaste on it. Gently rub the dog’s teeth and gums with the rag and then use water to clear off the remains.
Call a Vet for Help
Cane Toad poisoning is fatal. Therefore, if you find out that your dog has been a victim, act responsibly and call for help immediately. Although there are different ways to cure Cane Toad poisoning, it is best to leave it in the hands of an expert who can take care of your dog in the best possible way.
Call the vet immediately after you notice prominent symptoms of poisoning. You can then continue to clean the dog’s mouth, teeth, and gums to clear off the toxic fluid to help relieve pain. Once the dog is in stable condition, take it to the vet or ask the vet to visit you. Taking immediate action is a must when your dog or any other pet has been poisoned by a Cane Toad.
Protecting your Dog against Cane Toad Poisoning
If you want to protect your beloved pet from falling victim to poisonous Cane Toads, then you need to be more aware, active, and responsible. Below are a few techniques that will help you keep your dog protected from these horrible amphibians.
• As a guardian, it is best to stay with the dog whenever it is outside the house or in a grassy backyard.
• Take your dog out for exercise at night time with a leash on it.
• Do not let the dog run freely in the yard or in an outdoor area.
Adding Bells to the Dog’s Collar
A good way to keep your dog safe from poisonous attack is to add some bells on the dog’s collar. The bells will alert you when the dog is overly-active or making quick movements. Bells are an alternative solution for the people that cannot go out with the dog due to any reason. So, when you hear the bells ring you can run out to check your dog. This is a great way to save your dog from mouthing the toad or getting poison on its skin.
Leash Training the Dog
Dogs are extremely curious by nature. Therefore, they will try to play with a Cane Toad in the backyard just to figure out what it is. However, this little adventure can quickly turn into a disaster if the toad squirts poison at the dog. To be able to control your dog’s curiosity towards Cane Toads, you need to make use of a leash. Put your dog on a lead and take it outdoors with you. A green place will be suitable as Cane Toads are found in tropical areas. Be careful not to bump into a poisonous toad. Now, let your see a Cane Toad. If the dog is excited to touch it or play with it, hold the leash tightly and say ‘No’ in a firm voice. Keep practicing and tell your dog to ‘leave it’ until it really learns to follow your command.
Leash training can do wonders for you and can be helpful in making the dog learn to stay away from these poisonous creatures. After telling your dog to ‘leave’, you need to start moving in the opposite direction. This gesture that you make will make the dog understand that going near these toads is unacceptable. However, consistency and repetition is the key to teaching your dog the command.
Make use of positive reinforcement during the training sessions by keeping treats in your pockets. Therefore, whenever your dog follows your command and makes a desirable move, praise it by offering a yummy treat. You do not have to offer treats all the time. A solid pat on the dog’s back or a little snuggle will also have a similar effect.
Uses of Cane Toad Poison
Although these toads are venomous, their poison is used as medicine in different parts of the world. The thick milky toxin is used as medicine for cough, heart health, and urine stimulation in China. Furthermore, Cane Toad poison is used for the cure of sinusitis and toothache. Toad venom is also used as a weapon in South America and Africa, and is applied to the tips of arrows.
These poisonous amphibians have no enemies in the wild, which means that their population is continually rising. However, keelback snakes do not get affected by their venom. Other animals like water rats and crows have learnt to eat them by avoiding ingesting its poisonous parts.
Keeping Pets Safe
Once you have learnt about the dangers that these poisonous toads can cause, you need to be prepared and pro-active in keeping your pets safe. Cane Toads are responsible for killing several pets by their poison. Therefore, it is best to train your dog to stay away from them. Keep your dogs protected from this horrible toad that might end up taking your Protection Dogs companion’s life.