About Us

About Us And Our Team At CCPD

A bit about us; My name is Perry Ahlgrimm I am the presidents CEO of Command Control Protection Dogs.

My passion for dogs  started when my parents immigrated to Canada from Germany in 1958. I can recall when I was a child going to grade school on my way home. I would find a stray dog and bring it home this however, did not sit well with my parents.

 After years of living in apartment, my parents had promised that I would be able to have a dog when they bought their first home. 

It was years after that my parents bought their first home. They did not break their promise to buy me my first German Shepherd, all black named Terry.

How Far We've Come

It has been a great pleasure in my life to be able to make Protection Dog business part of my life.

My journey began 27 years ago When I ran into a gentleman who trained dogs for the military.

After spending a good part of my young adult life at his sanctuary in learning the craft of dog training without the use of E collar, food balls to reward or bribe the dog I knew that this was going to be my life mission. 

Fast-forward  I have trained, 

over 10,000 dogs and personally delivered 5,000, to family’s in need. 

This was and still is my mission to deliver the highest quality protection dogs in the industry.