
Fall-Inspired Pumpkin Recipes for your Protection Dog

With the beginning of fall, everyone seems to be enjoying pumpkin as part of every dish and sweet. As you enjoy these pumpkin treats, you may notice your four legged pet wagging his tail to show you he’d like a taste of it, too. But is pumpkin safe for dogs? Health Benefits of Pumpkin for Your […]

Intestinal Parasites with Protection Dogs

Intestinal parasites are very common in dogs. In fact, they affect almost 34% of shelter dogs in the U.S. These parasites live in the host’s gastrointestinal tract and are found in contaminated areas. There are various types of parasites including whipworms, tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, and protozoa. However, hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms are the most commonly found […]

Getting to Know the American Staffordshire Terrier Breed

The American Staffordshire terrier is a highly intelligent dog breed which is known for its amazing guarding skills. This breed is also known as Amstaff, and was first bred in England. These outstanding dogs have characteristics of two very amazing dog breeds; bulldogs and  Fox Terrier, White English Terrier, or the Black and Tan Terrier. […]

Training Your Dog the right way.

Training a dog is a huge responsibility which requires extended efforts from the owners. Many dog owners are unable to handle their dogs in the right way, which makes their dogs misbehave. The change in a dog’s behavior is often mistaken as the dog’s fault. However, a dog that is unable to learn and becoming […]